For those of you that don't know, May 7th is Noodle's birthday. He turned t
hree years old today! According to my kitten book, that makes him 29 in people years. Which means we are the same age. No wonder he gives me so much attitude. We adopted him three years ago from an LA pound and our lives have been better ever since. I promise you, I think cats cure cancer. They are that amazing. Well at least Noodle is anyway! When we first brought him home July 7th, 2005, he had just turned 2 months and was tinier than my socks. Now he is a wopping 15 pounds and still as cute as ever. I thought you might want to see some fun pictures of how Noodle spent his third birthday.
This is Noodle standing by the cabinet we keep his treats in. Please notice, we have to keep a radio in front of it, because he knows how to open the door and get out his treats. He's begging, but he knows it's his birthday, so he's pretty confident he'll get some treats.
This is Noodle showing off some of the skills he's learned in his three years. Once he realized he had a cabinet of his own, it was only a matter of time before he perfected the art of opening doors.
Success! Mission accomplished! I am the cats meow!
All in a birthday's work! I love seeing Noodle lick his chops. It's a pretty common sight in our household. Eating is one of his favorite things and he's always sure to let you know how much he enjoys it. Happy Birthday baby boy... Love Mom and Dad.