I am officially nine weeks along today. To celebrate, I had my first doctor's visit. I was excited and nervous. It's no secret that I want twins. Well, for the last week, I've had a very strong feeling that I was either going to have one baby or four babies in my belly. Nothing in between. I was on Clomid to boost my progesterone levels when I got pregnant and Clomid increases your chance of multiple births. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm part cat, so I figured it was time to do a little praying. I said, "Heavenly Father, you know my situation better than anyone. We're not the richest. We live in an apartment. I'm not Miss Super High Energy. I hate being sick and not to mention, I have a relatively tiny body. That being said, I trust you and I know you'll give us exactly what we can handle right now."
When the doctor pulled the picture onto the screen and I saw one tiny little baby, I knew in my heart it was the perfect number for us right now. Baby Bear's heart rate was 178 beats per minute. The head is on the left of the picture and Bear and the doctor can make out an arm and a leg. It all looks like one big blob to me, but I've never been able to make out anything on ultra sound photos, even when they are further along. The doctor said all was well and confirmed the due date as January 1st. (Just like Dad)
1 week ago