My friend Aubrey is the very first person I met when I moved into the dorms my freshman year of college. I simply followed the sound of Alanis Morrisette down the hallway, until I came to a room occupied by a girl with very long hair (equally as long as Alanis's hair). She said come in and I never made it back to my own room that night. My point is, I love Aubrey and her kids and now you have the chance to help one of them win a competition. OOOHHHH EXCITING!
Aubrey's son Peyton's photograph was picked as one of twelve favorites by the photographer. This week she is letting people vote on their favorite of the twelve and the winner gets a free 11x14 print. Peyton is #11. All you have to do is click on this link... and vote for #11. No forms to fill out, I promise. All the kids are cute, but Peyton is probably the only twin preemie born two months early fight to survive and still look cute doing it kid... so vote for #11!
My Aunt Connie sent me this link to send cards to the troops. It was so fun to pick out the cards designed by kids and it was very quick and easy. I thought I'd share for those who want to send some Christmas cheer over seas...
Last but not least, my mom is starting to think I have no friends. Please consider making a comment on my previous wisdom post. Would it help if I changed it to favorites? Is wisdom to intimidating of a word? Were you thinking of recommending I read the Twilight series and then thought maybe that wasn't wise enough sounding? Believe me people, I just want to know what you like. I only had one "friends" birthday party. It was at a skating rink and only my mom and sister showed up. My mom said it was because December is such a busy month for parties, but when you're eight that doesn't seem to make you feel any better. If Effie O'Conner was born in December, I'm sure the whole school would have showed up for her party. Don't let history repeat itself. Thank you and I'm done with the guilt trip for tonight.
2 weeks ago
I would have come to your party for sure.
Tell your Mom that at least in our household, you are are number 1 favorite person.
I just am not feeling super wise at this moment. I was going to say, "Read Twilight", but that was taken by you.
PS I voted. Go number 11.
Thank you Candice. I wasn't sure if I should read twilight, but now I will... right after I watch He-Man.
OK, I voted for #11.
Which card did you pick? The first one if you picked more than one.
And who is Effie?? If it makes you feel better, I wouldn't have gone to her birthday party.
She probably isn't as fun as you anyway...
F-in O'Conner was the rich, popular, blonde girl in Lil's grade in Symington.
People probably just went to her parties so she wouldn't start rumors about them later on.
She did have a rather unfortunate name.
Mom-I picked the card with the black and blue earth and the people surrounding it, saying thank you in many different languages. I thought it was the best, because the US isn't the only country to benefit from the sacrifice of our troops.
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