I know everyone read these books a year ago. I didn't put off reading them, because I thought they were silly and I wouldn't like them. No, I put off reading them, because I knew I would like them too much! Before you judge me, please know my obsession with vampires is not a new thing. From the moment I watched Dark Shadows as a child, I knew I wanted to be a vampire when I grew up. I've seen every vampire movie out there and most are sadly lacking, but my favorites have always been the ones with some good vampires involved-Lost Boys, Interview and for my family-Blade (but only on Christmas.) That being said, none of these good vampires could have prepared me for Edward.
I was expecting to like the books. I was not expecting for the books to turn me into a vampire. I don't eat. I don't sleep. I'm very pale and have dark circles under my eyes. I haven't checked a mirror, but I'm sure I look sexier than I ever have before. All the signs, I know. I read all four books in five days, some how still managing to make it to church and work and doctor's appointments. Even as I was devouring the pages, I wanted to stop, slow down, make the sweetness last a little longer, but I was no match for the hunger.
Now that the books are done, I've tried to fulfill my needs in any way possible. I watched the movie. I took the quizzes. It just hasn't been the same. The movie only made me angry they cast Kristen Stewart, who has all the charisma of a flip-flop, as Bella, when they should have cast me. The quizzes just made me sad. At work, all I could think of was how I could find a way back into my magical land. Not that I'm not happy in South Salt Lake, but magical vampire land is so much cooler. Then my loving husband saved the day. Completely not intimidated by Edward, he went to the Stephanie Meyer's website and found me part of another book to read. He made me promise not to read it tonight, as I have work very early in the morning, but he didn't say I couldn't blog about it. I love my husband so much. He's the most thoughtful person in the whole world. Don't get jealous Edward. I said person, not vampire. *wink*wink*