First Trimester-Though you brought me such highlights as discovering I was pregnant and hearing my baby's heart beat for the first time, you most definitely will not be missed. Till next time, you ill tempered beast.
Blond Hair-You most likely will be missed. I am hoping that if blonds have more fun, brunettes get to have more money. (and maybe some fun on the side as well)
Camera Battery Charger-Please come back home. We don't care what you've been up to. We'll accept you back with open arms. Our blog is naked with you.
Wyoming-Thanks for the clean air, beautiful weather and wide open spaces. This city trapped, country couple needed a good refill. Hope to see you again soon.
Ed, Farrah and Michael-Ed, you would have been a welcome sight at my front door anytime. Farrah, I'm not a huge follower, but it says a lot that every time my girlfriends get together, we take at least one Charlie's Angels picture. Michael, some of my favorite childhood memories are of watching Thriller with my siblings and seeing who was brave enough not to hide behind the couch when you turned into a werewolf. I almost never was.
Till we meet again.
1 week ago